Saturday, November 27, 2021

Trust another to be a family with them - the feeling of the covenant

 To trust another to become a family overcomes many insecurities and their consequent addictive needs and enslavement, and makes one, free and hopeful in all adventures.

Some enjoy seeing the rain from indoors only, while other enjoy the full sense of rain on and all around them. The rain is not what limits them or is it. But if one is freed from fear, one can see though everything and find enjoyment is all they see.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

In JESUS CHRIST one can make mistakes!

 There is a important lesson to be understood from JESUS - That is if one realizes HE is paying for all your sins, and bearing the burdens of your sins, one can make a mistake and be delivered with a clear conscience, so you will always be together.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

THE MOST HIGH GOD set this world to work such that good things, and miracles, with emotional highs and orgasms, are achieved from the works of relationships.

There are situations where arousal and highs which cumulate in orgasms, can be attained with ejaculation of sperm on feet which symbolizes, and is the feelings of attaining success, with the pact of surrender and hand over control, to always be together. And ejaculation of sperm on face also symbolizes surrender and hand over control, to always be together. To gain assurance and happiness, and relief from the pain and stresses one sees, and wants to avoid drastically and assuredly. Bend over, vaginal intercourse from behind, also is about surrender, but to give pleasure, and surrender to be loved passionately, to always be together. Plus anal sex is about surrender and allow some one to have control, and make everything alright, to always be together. Here they, because of how they reacted to child hood events, and lack of proper parental care and responsibility, which instilled consequent fear, sought relief. Not from inner strength and healthy relationships, but instead for someone to move in and take charge, with the authority and determination and courage, to bring deliverance and success, without them contributing or sacrificing. Here they inner beliefs are about, power and control to get good things, relationships, orgasms and relief from the pain and stresses, and attain success and gratification. THE MOST HIGH GOD set this world to work, such that good things, and miracles, with emotional highs and orgasms, are achieved from the works of relationships.

Friday, September 17, 2021

THE MOST HIGH GOD love to expose scars, and open wounds, and break improperly mended parts of you

 THE MOST HIGH GOD love to expose scars, and open wounds, and break improperly mended parts of you. To start the proper holy healing time with HIM, in HIS care and appreciation of what you were meant to be in HIM, by HIS grace. By HIM and of HIS design and your consequent true abilities, and in the expression of HIS love through you, to all in your life you are sent to be able to love in your life.

False Covenants are all based on conditional and controlling love

 The False Covenants in one's life are all based on conditional and controlling love, which are based on protecting from fears and insecurities, for example: - It I love them, they will want to be with me, they love me back, therefore we will always be together. Real covenants are based on complete or unconditional love, where they love you and want to build and have good bonds and relationships, with amazing life and togetherness, with wonderful experiences and adventures with you and them.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Be a friend, and not a slave to lust and fears!

 When someone is a friend and you become a friend to them, one will not be subject to fears, insecurities, false relationships with their false covenants. And will be free to enjoy a healthy relationship, bonding. with a healthy covenant. in JESUS name.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Covenants Conquers Addictions

Covenants make you feel the joy of, giving your seed to start a family; receiving seed to start a family; or of being establish together as one, together forever. And thus gives you the assurance you were always craving, with joy that cannot be replace by another. 

In a one flesh bond (marriage), the parts that pertain to motherhood or fatherhood are the things what are to be used to make a covenant between and represent the token of that covenant - are a sigh of good design. To GOD be the glory for HIS grand design.

Here one will be covenanted to each other and be assigned to be the "Mother of your family". Or the "Father of your family". And overcome everything together, and always be together in peace and happiness and continued success in GOD, JESUS CHRIST, and THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The Trust is felt when the love that comes from consciously or unconsciously committing to being a covenanted bond, and from such demanding love entering to so a committed relationship, Therefore the trust is there: you can be a family together. And enjoy the freedom, rest and hope with joy, in your covenanted bond and respective relationship. You can enter into rest provided by each other, and hope for a bright future with each other, with joy in your ability to share all your adventures from now on, facing new dawns together. and comforting each during the night times, you can rest in each other as you become one.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Nakedness is essential for relationship and forming bonds

 Nakedness is essential for relationship and forming bonds.

Thus Nakedness of emotions, of thoughts and of one's body, must be covered, in reserve, and hope for bonding. Then with opportunity to engage in holy bonding, covered in love, and enjoy the freedom and rest, and joy love brings.

Freedom for your soul, mind, and body, can be found in friendship to your emotions, and thoughts and your body.

 Nakedness must be covered with Love. Where you realize the direction of love they show you, is good for you both, 

The kingdom of GOD is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the HOLY GHOST.

Romans 14:17. For the kingdom of GOD is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the HOLY GHOST..


If one cannot find Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in The HOLY GHOST within, you will not find it outside oneself.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Dancing Nude

 You are more than a "Sexual Fulfilling Member Of Your Body", and more than a "Reproductive Member Of Your Body". You are a "Free Thinking, Free Expressing, Expression of beauty". Your mate and friend, can treasure your body and encourage you to be free and comfortable as an expression of beauty.

If you are able to dance with any type of music. One can find joy and dance from that, even with the music only in your head.

Nudity is for Love and Bonding, to bond together as one flesh. To be treasured by all concerned, and encouraged by all. Thus a friend can and will able to understand and respect that, even to cover your nudity and ignore, to hope for your happiness.

Nudity is not about shame and disgrace, or dishonor. But about treasure, and effective, active, effects to bond. And private parts and opportunities to engage in holy bonding to become one flesh. Your nudity will always be a thing to treasure, and delight to have, in peace and goodly bonding to become one flesh. 

Friendship begets trust and relaxation, to enter into freedom and rest, with joy, in someone ability to see you are a beautiful soul, in a beautiful body, with a mind which can think beautiful thoughts. Doing beautiful things, being beautiful, in a beautiful world you are making.

Complete love of means he will feel you are perfect. 

Partial love of will not make him feel, when you are totally naked, of soul, of mind and of body, you are perfect.

Unconditional love of covers your nakedness of soul. of mind and of body, with friendship. And wishes for your happiness, and takes joy of your GOD given capacity to use your private parts to love and bond as one flesh, with the one you have a complete love of, according to GOD'S will and provision for you. 

To be FREE, you have to TRUST someone to LOVE you.

To leave the war behind

 To leave the war behind, one starts by forgiving all the peace that was taken from you!

Few agree to take up the calling of war-fighting

Some like being solders: they like the adventure and glory of war!

A few agree to take up the calling of war-fighting: As peace is the final victory!

When the farmers win, the war has been defeated.

Peace will always have a cost: Help others acquire it and you will be blessed with what you seek. God is not a debtor of persons.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

You can enter into a place of rest, and speak from a place of excitement, and sing from a place of joy!

Love And Bonding, With Covenanting To Stabilize Your Joy, And Your Bond, And Your Relationship. Is supposed to make you enter into a place of rest, in someone you love capacity to love, and speak from a place of excitement, of exercising your capacity to love, and sing from a place of contentment and joy! 

People need to be where someone they love rest, and then they seek to have, the someone they love, again rest, but now in their capacity to be loved and love, now in them.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

It is nice to feel desired, but friendship is needed for joy!

Nakedness of body; 

Nakedness of mind;

Nakedness of soul;

Requires FRIENDSHIP. Not desires and cravings.

Even if it is nice to feel desired, and wanted and needed, Friendship is needed to be free to find joy in doing "Love to bond" and "Covenanted, therefore you will always be together". Friendship makes you free, and free to love, and bond, and treasure who you are with, and exercise the unique way you love, aware of the state that you have reached, aware of where you have reached together, and sing from that place of joy.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Your spouse can be a friend to your sexual needs

 A friend can use his stability and strength to make one full of joy and ones joy full.

And a friend can use her beauty and delightfulness to comfort and sustain you.

One can trust them and they can be a friend to this need in your life, They can be your home. One can depend on that. One can surrender as you get closer. They can treat you special. One can find rest and joy in love, and trust them to love you, as you enjoy their love. One can delight in their love and treasure it. Take joy in the love the wife/husband of your youth and be ravished in their love.

Therefore your spouse is supposed to be your friend.

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Love of someone is a feeling, an attraction, an understanding of how you can bond with that person different than another.

But Love for is a product of an established relationship, and the dependency, and expectation, and trust that goes with it.

Favor/Grace creates opportunity for persons capacity to love to heal, grow, and be reliable, and purposeful in loving others and GOD.

Covenants reassures one of the trust, and assures the love will always be there, therefore the relationship will be there through all things, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE TOGETHER AND BE A FAMILY OR IN FRIENDSHIP.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Addictions take hold where covenants are malnourished!

 The inward desires and passion, with drive for covenants, and how it feels to have the reassurance and happiness of, "that you can trust someone and be a family with them". Is how men, and to a certain extent how women, can and will have counterfeit addictions, in behavior and in the things they ingest. And crave for them hourly, till they overwhelmingly succumb to the the building up of their addictive counterfeits.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Dark and Holy sides of Sexual Communication, Love to Bond, and Covenants.

 Please view the following pages should you be willing to explore the Dark and Holy sides of Sexual Communication, Love to Bond, and Covenants.

Please share with Councilors, Relationship Guides, or Pastors, whom you may know would benefit from growth in this part of their life, and ministry.

  Click on the Link in the menu above, or right click the links below, and click "open in a new Tab' or "open in a new window"



Love to Bond 

Male and Female unique Love


Love that can heal part 1

Love that can heal part 2

Simple Examples of Love To Bond 

More on Love to Bond

Communication of Sex part 1

Communications of Sex part 2 

Admittance of your hates, and of your lusts and of your fears, starts the growth, strengthening, healing and restoration. Helping you overcome and love with righteousness, peace and joy in THE HOLY GHOST!

Monday, July 19, 2021

With JESUS CHRIST, there is no mistake HE can't redeem you from.

 With JESUS CHRIST, there is no mistake HE can't redeem you from, and give you another chance to have healing, and learn to love your way in every situation you encounter.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Is JESUS CHRIST a "Get out of jail free card"

 Is JESUS CHRIST a "Get out of jail free card"

In a sense YES.

And who needs a "Get out of jail free card"?

Not the Law, because it glorifies itself with the condemnation of all those who  are breakers of the law and it's rules.

Not the ones who up hold the Law, Because they are glorified by by the condemnation of these who break the Law, and the justification of themselves by the Law and it's rules put in place, regardless of the LOVE for the redemption of the person that is needed, and not given by the law and it's upholders.

And what about the ones of whom do not wish to be separated from the ones they love, and are of the mindset "They are more important to me that their mistakes, thus in spite on their mistakes, I do not want to be separated from their presence". Yes they need one! Therefore the one who needs a "Get out of jail free card" the most is GOD! So HE will not be separated from those who makes mistakes, but HE still wants to be called a friend of them. which is EVERYONE.

Yes JESUS CHRIST is GOD'S greatest "get out of jail free card" And there will be non other to look forward to.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Love is the winning move

 Hate, Lust, and fear cause, in abuses and hurting persons, more hate, lusts and fears.

GOD'S love, and the wisdom and guidance of THE HOLY SPIRIT, shows love is the winning move, and the meter by with one judges victory and overcoming, and inheriting success in HIM and HIS mercy, deliverance, and healing and restoration, in your walk with HIM in HIS presence, and under HIS NURTURING HAND.

JESUS is not about religion.

JESUS is not about religion. 

HE is the manifested love needed for anyone you encounter in life to be able to have a personal walk with FATHER GOD.

The Dead cannot make anyone holy, but creates self praising servants of their corrupt ways to glorify themselves and reinforce their own clique.

The death of JESUS CHRIST Signaled the demise of the hold, humiliation, subjection and shame of of sinners and abused persons, one would meet in life, of religion. There where they will surely fail, HE will answer their cries for mercy and deliverance, and hunger for healing and restoration, and thirst to forget and prosper, despite the plans of their enemies and the Devil, to do such that, purposefully, determinedly reconciling, anyone who cries out in prayer to HIM and receiving HIS death and suffering on the Cross, and with his strips, curses and scolding and shame etc, as theirs dying with HIM also, to be delivered up to the HOLY GOD, and enter into to a personal walk with a HOLY GOD,

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Living By Grace, and Walking By Faith

 Living By Grace, and Walking By Faith.

It will render all new situations useless at keeping you or anyone else you encounter in a state of inaction in the problems, life, and the Devil, may throw at you or them: - in GOD, HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT.


Logic Arguments cannot move beyond the application of Grace. Grace will therefore always win. GOD is knowledgeable of this and has implemented that to give us a chance to win, and be in victory in HIM.

Monday, July 5, 2021

The Five fold Ministry

 Evangelists use their understanding of someone or some persons religious or cultural beliefs, to introduce JESUS CHRIST to them, and HIS Salvation and deliverance in HIM.

Teachers believe if they can help some learn a new method of achieving success. They will now be better at, achieving success, and helping others achieve success, in life and in all good things.

Pastors use their principles learned in achieving success, to teach others to attain the same success with them, and all supporting each other together, to achieving success.

They are all helping and taking the burdens of the people to GOD for JESUS to bear.

Prophets teach the MIND OF CHRIST. And are separated onto HIM to enjoy that relationship where HE renews their minds during HOLY COMMUNION with HIM, in time spent in prayer, and worship, and reading HIS WORD.

Apostles teach the HEART OF CHRIST. And are separated onto HIM to enjoy that relationship where HE renews their hearts during HOLY COMMUNION with HIM, in time spent in prayer, and worship, and reading HIS WORD.

Separated unto GOD to purely be renewed and come from HIM with HIS renewing and healing of peoples capacity to love one another and themselves.

GOD will make raped and abused men and women HOLY!

 GOD will make raped and abused men and women HOLY! Even if everyone and their idols. and the manner of which they worship their idols. reject them from ever attaining HOLINESS like HIM. Even if they self condemn themselves, of reduced worth to their spouse, in society, and self worth.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Healing what you understand!

 Healing what you understand!

Here one sees the unique way men can and should love is:-

    He uses his stability and strength to make her full of joy and make her joy full.

    He uses his stability and strength to sanctify and build her.

    He uses his stability and strength to heal and restore her.

She experiences the fun and excitement of this nature of loving her altogether, completely and thoroughly, in her and true her.

Also one sees the unique way women can and should love:-

    She uses her beauty and delightfulness to comfort and sustain him.

    She uses her beauty and delightfulness to nourish and strengthen him.

    She uses her beauty and delightfulness to protect and guide him.

He experiences the comfort and pleasure, he allows her to love him, altogether, completely and thoroughly, with this unique way of loving him, around him, true him and in him.

Monday, June 7, 2021

JESUS invites you to walk on water with HIM, even in contrary winds!

 Matthew 14:29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Means HE is putting you in a place beyond your ability to normally counter, with your established principles, of adapting to troubles. Here HE wants you to learn to love from your position of faith. And for growth to then take place, in the direction HE want you to grow and prosper. And then enjoy success, from your new capacity in loving to prosper persons, even new people in one’s life, new life.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Everyone is suffering like me, the best thing we can do is to help each other

 1 Chronicles 21: 

11 - So Gad came to David, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Choose thee

12. - Either three years' famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else three days the sword of the Lord, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me.

13. - And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let me fall now into the hand of the Lord; for very great are his mercies: but let me not fall into the hand of man.

Matthew 8:29. - And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Revelation 20:14. - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death

When Adam sinned and man was cast out of the Garden of Eden. Death lieth at the door, and sickness through the lands. But these sufferings are no comparison to the hand of the Great Enemy Of Us All, The Devil, and in the sufferings of Hell. Here the Lake of fire is the end of all that. For man cannot, and will not, be allowed to out number the Devil and his Demons, For such will be the case as, to out pace his abilities, and the strengthening of suffering man against the punishment and torture, endured here. Here GOD has put in place David’s answer on behalf of all mankind. As to use the lake of fire to punish and correct the emotions, convictions and deeds of man towards each other and GOD, as well as putting the Devil in correct order. For here HE will bring everyone to the place of which they will in one accord say “Everyone is suffering like me, therefore the best thing we can do is to help each other”. Fulfilling GOD’S conviction for them, they they should "love each other as themselves", finally under everlasting, always present challenges. With the devil towing behind, having heard nothing else but this mood and conviction.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

GOD is more than enough when you are less then what is needed

 If one is feeling completely helpless, while someone you love is experiencing loss, suffering and even death. One may not realize the seeds that will stir up the emotions of, hate of oneself, and Death wishes. Upon that now is the seeds of which, one will harm oneself, not realizing it is harm. And do so when opportunities to get ahead in life and feel successful are seen. Thus even if you are a failure, and not enough. Remember GOD still loves you, and willing to save you. And HE is more than enough when you are less then what is needed.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Somethings that make you HAPPY. will not bring JOY!

He will try, hoping that, if he serves her and makes her have fun and excitement, and she submits and enthusiastically take it, she will feel gratified and enjoy it, she will trust him and depend on him to serve her. and fulfill her need for fun and excitement, therefore they will always be together. 

She will try. hopping that, if she serves him and comforts and pleasures him, and he relaxes and enthusiastically take it, he will feel gratified and enjoy it, he will trust her and depend on her to serve him. and comfort and pleasure him, therefore they will always be together. 

 Here this may bring a conviction of receiving rewards, and feeling treasured, that will bring stability in their lives. But...


He will always reward her for being good, and encourage her to continue being good, whether she deserves it or not, therefore they will always be together.

He will always reward her for loving him perfectly, and encourage her to continue loving him perfectly, whether she deserves it or not, therefore they will always be together.

She will always reward him for being good, and encourage him to continue being good, whether he deserves it or not, therefore they will always be together.

She will always reward him for loving her perfectly, and encourage him to continue loving her perfectly, whether he deserves it or not, therefore they will always be together. 

...Are real relationships and covenants with JOY!

Monday, May 3, 2021

There are those who hunger after relationships they can love safely and control

 Persons are afraid of loving the opposite sex, such as it makes them paralyzed and unable to have a relationship with the opposite sex,, of similar age. Coupled with sexual arousing feelings of "If I give them sexual fun or pleasure, they treasure me giving them sexual fun or pleasure,therefore we will always be together". Making them pray on weaker, and seeming desirous of their ability to give them sexual fun or pleasure, persons, to control the relationship and love safely.

Remember Men and women unique way of loving one another is different, is opposite, but is EQUAL. Here is means they can love each other with the same respect, appreciation and trust, of each owns unique capacity to love, and as members of their one flesh bond and family. He is the head, but she is the next able and closest to him to love him in the most deepest parts of him. And respect that, and that they are a couple ministering to each other, and growing together as one couple. They are both in charge of each other and their family.

He Honors his wife and she reverences her husband. They can equally touch the deepest parts of each other, that needs their love, and minister there, and they can trust each other to continually do so.

Faith creates faithfulness, and trust. He can trust his all, his every being to her, his wife, She can trust her all, her every being to him, her husband.

She is a help meet for him: she is a match for him. He can trust her to be there for his all, his every being.

Hearts have to be elevated, and rise to "EQUAL LEVEL" to become one.

Minds have to appreciate the other relevance and appreciate each others gift of thought, to be one and think as one, and share solutions as one, and therefore become one. One mind, one expression of understanding and expression, in solving problems, and expressing solutions and good guidance, and paths that lead to good health and abundant life together.

They are sympathetic to, anyone or any thing, which gives them pleasure or sexual fun.

 Some people has given up on someone loving then as an opposite sex partner,  and coupled with the sexual arousing feeling of, "Everything is for their pleasure/ Everything is for their sexual fun". Experiment, and are sympathetic to, anyone or any thing, which gives them pleasure or sexual fun. 

That is why a person must always have hope.



This means JESUS is persistent, determined, love to bring the KINGDOM OF GOD to you

Wives sometimes pay the the mother's sins

 Men face, and become strong/ skilled enough to face, their fears.

Women will comfort someone to the point they are encouraged/ strengthened to out smart their fears.

Domestic violence is because of lack of the latter.

Neglectful same sex parents, create same sex desires, to fill holes, in their children’s heart

There are parents who are not emotionally connected to their children, such that there are no intimate contact, and thus no training in their children of how to express same sex attraction. Thus when someone enters puberty, and has arousing sexual feelings, coupled with feelings of really close friendship. And there is a desire to express intimate contact. This confusion will have them experiencing feelings of showing intimate contact and sexual feelings together.

Some persons sexuality were stamped with their opposite sex parent, and they do not even know.

Some mothers may link with their children and befriend and discipline them at the same time. This will lead to confusion. Especially with children who are not emotional skilled enough to handle “sexual emotional understanding”. Thus their children will become emotional hostages, as well as sexual hostages, bent on liking what they like and hating what they hate. In their home lives and in their sexual likes and expressions as well. Also some fathers can and do tend to fall in to this trap as well. Making their children sexual hostages.

False covenants are relationship holograms

Oral sex by a female can make someone feel, “She is the one who gives them pleasure (Sexual pleasure), they love her ability to give them pleasure, therefore they will always be together”. Or, “She is the one who gives them the comfort and pleasure of sexual intimacy, they love her ability to give them the comfort and pleasure of sexual intimacy, therefore they will always be together”. Also, someone can use their penis to communicate as a response. They can make her feel, “She is the one who gives them pleasure, they will always be there for her, therefore they will always be together”. 

Anal sex is a communication point for making her feel if she submits to them, They will take care of her and They will make everything OK, therefore they will be always be together.

Oral sex by them communicates, “If they give her excitement (Sexual excitement), she loves their ability to give her excitement (sexual excitement), therefore they will be always be together”. Or, “if they give her the fun and excitement of sexual intimacy, she loves their ability to give her the fun and excitement of sexual intimacy, therefore they will always be together”, Also she may believe in the false covenant “They give her excitement (sexual excitement), She will always be there for them/ She will always be there to take care of them/ She will always take care of them, therefore they will always be together.

If you fear Death

 If you fear Death: Face it,

When you conquer death: You become it,

Every sword needs a sheath: Every man needs a warm Heart,

even though it is not his own,

If you want to overcome Death, jump right in: Just carry a good life line,

After everything is over, and you see desolation encompassing you: The most important thing is healing.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Sometimes religion and strict religious cultures can be denaturing and unholy

Sometimes religion and strict religious cultures can be denaturing and unholy. Also pornography and such teases with the same carnal mind believing concepts.


There is a tendency to require servitude is arranged, and general marriage principles, brought on by the religious leaders. And people accept this, as it appeases their unbelieving faith in GOD, and allowing HIS love to touch someone, heal their heart, and bring about their healed capacity to love. 

Thus they perpetrate this false covenant is :- If he loves her, she will serve him, (she will give him comfort and pleasure), therefore they will always be together. If she loves him, he will serve her, (he will give her fun and excitement), therefore they will always be together. If he serves her (gives her fun and excitement), she will love him, therefore they will always be together. If she serves him (gives him comfort and pleasure), he will love her, therefore they will always be together. He wants to serve her (give her fun and excitement), she trusts him and receives that from him, therefore they will always be together. She wants to serve him (give him comfort and pleasure), he trusts her and receives that from her, therefore they will always be together.

 Real friendship, true friendship does not punish!

 Real friendship, true friendship does not enslave!

 Real friendship, true friendship does not terrorize!


Friday, April 2, 2021

Obsessions steels

 Obsessions steels time, other wise one would have spent with people one loves, and being loved by them, in a trusting bond and good relationship.

 Nothing is more important than having a good relationship with GOD, your family, and other persons.

All that you are desirous of getting, to the point you are willing to sacrifice to acquire and secure. Trust GOD, and help others get these good things: and you will be blessed by GOD with the good things you desire. 

HE will arouse a right spirit in you!

 When one feels invigorated and imprisoned by craving, remember their are demons in you and around you motivating these emotions and cravings, arousing it within you to cause you to sin. But acknowledge the weakness within you, and the root cause of having a hole in you heart, and open it up for GOD'S love to effect there with it, and through it, thoroughly. 

Having then being filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT, and HIM arousing HIS spirit in you, and gain desires that are prosperous and mutually benefiting, and against the desires that were aroused by the demons, and worship GOD in your walk with HIM together, and with your family, and with other persons. And have a healthy relationship with GOD, with your family, and other persons.

Friday, March 5, 2021

GOD sees A Womderful Person!

 Even if you sell your love cheap: - you can still be a wonderful person. The ability to be a mother and a wife is still in you. You are a woman, and your ability to love is valuable. GOD sees someone special, HE wants to be with you forever, if you receive HIS GRACE; and be filled with HIS HOLY SPIRIT; and rest in HIS LOVE.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The Carnal mind knows no peace!

When one's natural instinct is hate and avoid. And this leads to escaping, whose source is fear. Hand it over and trust GOD, when you get tired of running. Here HE will teach you to wait on HIM, and love your way in every situation you meet, and overcome, in HIS grace, that is JESUS CHRIST, and by yielding to the HOLY SPIRIT, and in HIM, FATHER GOD.

Sunday, February 28, 2021


Faith grows from how you expect to be loved, to how you want to love, to the understanding GOD will love you like that and better. However you have been loved, and learned to love, and even desire to accomplish some good in others. Remember GOD is LOVE, and thus is the master of love and will comfortably love you more perfectly, and assuredly, and convincingly it is HIM. The Devil offers wealth and power if you bow to him. GOD promises love if you become HIS son/doughtier, and serve HIM and delight is HIS ways, which tend to life in the HOLY GHOST, and redemption is HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.

When your skills seem lacking.

It is O.K. to fail: Trust is GOD'S GLORY.

It is O.K for your skills to be lacking and failure seems to be inevitable and assured. But GOD'S GLORY will make up the difference to be successful and your endeavors, GOD wants you to engage and struggle and overcome.

The principle by which it is made: is the same principle by which it operates- is the sign of good design.

 Principles GOD used to create our universe, GOD has enabled it to operate using the same. And you, and your sexuality.

Friday, February 5, 2021

"People die for a lack of knowledge"

 "People die for a lack of knowledge" 

Knowledge has to be shared within a group or family, for all to equally find a good future. Help is valuable, and is either free, or blessed and rewarded for.

In worshiping GOD with your walk with HIM is daily life, wait on HIM for the love you need to find the courage and determination and capability, to do the hard things you choose to do in HIM, and also avoid sin, in growing your capacity to love. 

In choosing a ministry. What ever GOD has helped you have overcome, Show others how GOD can help them to overcome also.

In the art of seeking people to minister, is that they must be ready to seek, and willing to receive, GOD'S love. Therefore seek those GOD is gathering in their place of tribulation and stress, in which they are seeking a way out by GOD'S grace. 

They are ready for an encounter with JESUS, by you, and those with you, and your ministry, in JESUS. And by THE HOLY SPIRIT, and GOD'S grace, that is JESUS CHRIST, and GOD's Unfathomable LOVE and GUIDANCE and FRIENDSHIP. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

Fear makes you angry, Love will make you cry!

Fear doesn't make a man fall to tears: it will make him angry. Learning how to successfully lose is part of life and part of crying. Learn the difference, your life will be at risk.

Men are supposed to be emotionally strong enough to be a consistent refuge and a stabilization entity in a family. But to be emotionally strong, sometimes you need to cry.

To be ready to be married, men have to be ready to let her go, and do the crying days of losing her, as much as they are prepared to lose to win, and find a way that is best for everyone. If they can't, they will become fearful, and it will make them do something they will regret.

While it is sometimes OK to kill anything that make you afraid. Here you will loose more than you will ever hope to gain. So it is OK to cry, and you must find hope, even hope with out her for a while.

People cannot be controlled, save with fear. But a friend will be controlled by their love of you, and that you can have more confidence in. And take joy and have peace daily. So remember stay with your friends. And your friend will bring you happiness and friendship, of which you won't regret, and be at peace and achieve success together.

Learn the difference of who loves you for you, and not what you are or what you have.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Seek to apply love and grace to knowledge to bond together.

Seek to apply love and grace to knowledge to bond together. Closer to ones areas on bonding the less personalities can be accommodated. Until when it comes to being one flesh, (One body, one mind and one soul), where only one person can be attached as such, God honors the forming of a one flesh bond and blesses them as one entity, one being, a family, his chosen authority and friend in HIM.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Overcome all false relationships and false covenants in your life to be free from sexual perversions, addictions and, controlling denaturing lust, fed and amplified by demons.

 Overcome all false relationships and false covenants, by applying LOVE OF, LOVE FOR, and GRACE, to bond together as you can, till all are healed. JESUS CHRIST paid for your sins and bears the burdens of your sins, so can be reconciled to GOD and be filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT. As you live in grace, show others grace also, till all are healed and restored, and their capacity to love is developed. Appreciate grace, as it is easy to forgive others, yet always hard to forgive yourself. But if you receive GOD'S grace, that is JESUS CHRIST, you can find the ability to forgive yourself, and have the courage to show grace to another, and heal and renew good healthy bonds and relationships. To grow stronger in your capacity to love, and thus fulfill the law, with love and grace. And grow closer to GOD. Rejoice in that you can be a friend of GOD.

Renew a right covenant "As much as you need" to get deliverance and healing. 


You will always reward him/her for loving you perfectly, and encourage him/her to continue loving you perfectly, whether he/she deserves it or not, to be together forever. Make him/her feel what you feel through intercourse, as this this the physical sensations of the covenant. You both get to know you are loved and feel the love shown as you renew the tokens of your covenant as much as you need for the benefit of your relationship and to be bonded together forever.


 JESUS CHRIST blood shed for the remission of sins: And HIS body broken : - “HE was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed”. Setting the wine and unleavened bread as the tokens (the physical sensations of the love given), of the covenant. The wine is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of JESUS blood shed for payment of sins; the unleavened bread is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of HIS body broken bearing the burdens of all the consequences, punishments, criticisms, burdens, shame, curses, and loss you gained as a result of your sins.

Cast out demons, and pray for their work and strongholds, to cause to die and be overcome, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, and by the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The nature of a man's LOVE is - To make her full of joy and make her joy full; sanctify and build; heal and restore. His stability and strength comes in handy here, to do just that in her.

The nature of woman's LOVE is - To comfort and sustain; nourish and strengthen; protect and guide. Her beauty and delightfulness can accomplish just that, by her, around him and also inside him.

Sexual intimacy is to communicate love, by kisses, hugs, stroking, and other touch. You make someone feel your love through, how you make contact with them. All touch has a particular reason for it to exist, and thus has a purpose in communicating love through touch and such other feelings.

Here the HOLY SPIRIT can lead you. HE is the SPIRIT OF THE LORD, THE SPIRIT of wisdom and understanding; council and might; knowledge and THE FEAR OF THE LORD. He is spirit and will communicate to your spirit, almost like a sixth sense. HE can imparts gifts and lead you, as you yield to HIM and feel HIM moving, in you and through you. You can discern HIS voice, and how HE is moving, and what HIS presence feel like, from the devil and his demons. You can direct the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT, as you trust GOD, and consequently GOD trusts you, as you pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST. HIS power will lead you to deliverance as you trust HIM and surrender to GOD'S will for your deliverance, and healing, and growth, and fullness of life, in HIM and JESUS CHRIST.

When you are tempted, THE HOLY SPIRIT can give you what you need to love your way in every situation you are in, therefore HE will work with you and guide you. As you trust HIM, HE will give you the opportunity to use HIM against your problems in the name of JESUS CHRIST. HE will impart gifts, which GOD will not repent of. These are - The word of wisdom; the word of knowledge; and faith. The gifts of healing ; the working of miracles; and prophecy. Discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. As well as these fruits - Love, joy, peace. Longsuffering, gentleness, goodness. Faith (faithfulness), meekness and temperance.

Peoples can't change but their capacity to love can be healed. 

Everything you find hard to accomplish, wait on the LORD and received HIS love, and then you will find the love to do what you need to do.

Have faith love can grow in the name of JESUS.

As your heart is healed, the demons that are trying to rule you heart are driven out, and will flee your new mind and capacity to love. 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lust enslaves one to you, your healed capacity to love sets them free.

Lust enslaves one to you, your healed capacity to love sets them free to help you to love them, and to love you.

If you love them, they will appreciate your love, he/she will find it enjoyable/exciting, therefore you will always be together. If you love them, they will love you, he/she will enjoy/be excited about loving you, therefore you will always be together.


You will always reward them for being good, and encourage them to continue being good, whether they deserve it or not, to always be together.
You will always reward them for loving you perfectly, and encourage them to continue loving you perfectly, whether they deserves it or not, to always be together.


JESUS CHRIST blood shed for the remission of sins: And HIS body broken : - “HE was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed”. Setting the wine and unleavened bread as the tokens (the physical sensations of the love given), of the covenant. The wine is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of JESUS blood shed for payment of sins; the unleavened bread is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of HIS body broken bearing the burdens of all the consequences, punishments, criticisms, burdens, shame, curses, and loss you gained as a result of your sins.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Coming out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant

Song of Solomon 3:6 Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant?

Here the bible foretold the coming of JESUS CHRIST, HIS trials as a man, and hints how, prayer, fasting, and being led by THE HOLY SPIRIT, can teach all men how to overcome temptations and resist demons and triumph over sin in HIM.

Song of Solomon 3:7 Behold his bed, which is Solomon's; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel.
Song of Solomon 3:8 They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night.
Song of Solomon 3:9 King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.
Song of Solomon 3:10 He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.
Song of Solomon 8:5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.

Good qualities of manhood, - 

Encouraging, stability and safety, exciting opportunities for success. 

Encouraging, appreciative stability of justice, of being under protective, delivering and caring for justice and restoration love. 

Encouraging shelter for growth and development, of being under kingly love and appreciation and support. 

Encouraging, restoring of strength, finding oneself, and purpose in life of being under royal love. 

And above all, Encouraging charity.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

False covenants and false relationships are addicting

 False covenants and false relationships are addicting. Be delivered by making and renewing, as mush as you need, real covenants and real relationships.

When it concerns sin, even ones you have not committed yet, JESUS CHRIST paid so you would not be afraid of failure!

When it concerns sin, even ones you have not committed yet, and ones you may not know you are doing. JESUS CHRIST paid so you would not be afraid of failure! So you can try to love without fear.

AS our ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST, HE offers HIS BODY as a sacrifice for our sins we confess, sins we do not know we are doing, sins of our family, and sins of the nation (or groups we belong and bear fault together). One eternal sacrifice concerning all sins, to be just received and appreciated. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

One applies love to knowledge to bond.

 One applies love to knowledge to bond together. Knowledge is the opportunity to receive love and form a bond with each other, and maintain a relationship with that in mind. Showing the love needed to maintain the relationship, on continuation of sharing of knowledge and information needed for love to reach.

Communication is making someone feel what you feel.

 Communication is making someone feel what you feel. One communicates love, and can communicate love through touch. Touch is a more powerful communication medium than Music, Dancing and Money.

Here one can get so close, that one is not only bonded at the level of body, but then of mind, and then at the soul/personality/spirit/emotions part of each other. And can make each other feel what each feels, via spirit to the other spirit, even when the are very much not in eye contact. They can feel each other, when they are thinking of them. Making each other feel what they feel through spirit. Using their "at the spirit level" one flesh bond.

Note: North Americans expressed a type of music that evolved around the notion of freedom to scream emotions and exhale attitude. Which is the basis of how great American music is made today, and taken for granted today. Freedom to express oneself was a difficult struggle taken upon in the hearts of Americans, and the people of France as well.

Sexual Intercourse is about communicating your covenant and renewing the token of your covenant with each other.

 Sexual Intercourse is about communicating your covenant and renewing the token (physical sensation) of your covenant with each other. You get to know you are loved, and feel the love through renewing the tokens of your covenants, as much as you need, to heal and restore your relationship, and grow closer together. Securing your bond form braking, and enjoy the love you now have and share, with rejoicing.

He will always reward her for being good, and encourage her to continue being good, whether she deserves it or not, to always be together.

    He will always reward her for loving him perfectly, and encourage her to continue loving him perfectly, whether she deserves it or not, to always be together.

    She will always reward him for being good, and encourage him to continue being good, whether he deserves it or not, to always be together.

    She will always reward him for loving her perfectly, and encourage him to continue loving her perfectly, whether he deserves it or not, to always be together.

Lust enslaves you and your partner into fulfilling desires/cravings with out any inclination of friendship

 Lust enslaves you and your partner into fulfilling desires/cravings with out any inclination of friendship. But love makes you a friend to some one and their sexuality. Where the question is, can you love someone, and can you receive love from someone?

Arousing cravings and desires come from ones illicit desires to be fulfilled with false covenants.

 Arousing cravings and desires come from ones illicit desires to be fulfilled with false covenants, and the fun or pleasurable, comforting and fulfilling, sexual expressions of them, and the false relationships that go with them. Set yourself free be clinging to real covenants, show grace to all false covenants, and renew good thoughts of what love is needed in the various situations one meets in life. The HOLY SPIRIT is your re-newer of you mind, and healer of you heart.

Demonic possession allows the enhancement of feelings concerning hate, lust and fear

 Demonic possession allows the enhancement of feelings concerning hate, lust and fear. They flee from thoughts of love of, love for, and favor/grace.

Sensitivity is responsibility.

 Sensitivity to touch is responsibility. Your are to be aware of the other's love shown to you, or anti-love they are showing.

Every intimate touch, sexual stimulation, is about communicating love to bond.

Every intimate touch, sexual stimulation, is about communicating love to bond. Know the love needed and required. And apply grace till all are healed. A healed heart does not have corrupted desires and uncontrollable cravings.