Monday, January 25, 2021

Fear makes you angry, Love will make you cry!

Fear doesn't make a man fall to tears: it will make him angry. Learning how to successfully lose is part of life and part of crying. Learn the difference, your life will be at risk.

Men are supposed to be emotionally strong enough to be a consistent refuge and a stabilization entity in a family. But to be emotionally strong, sometimes you need to cry.

To be ready to be married, men have to be ready to let her go, and do the crying days of losing her, as much as they are prepared to lose to win, and find a way that is best for everyone. If they can't, they will become fearful, and it will make them do something they will regret.

While it is sometimes OK to kill anything that make you afraid. Here you will loose more than you will ever hope to gain. So it is OK to cry, and you must find hope, even hope with out her for a while.

People cannot be controlled, save with fear. But a friend will be controlled by their love of you, and that you can have more confidence in. And take joy and have peace daily. So remember stay with your friends. And your friend will bring you happiness and friendship, of which you won't regret, and be at peace and achieve success together.

Learn the difference of who loves you for you, and not what you are or what you have.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Seek to apply love and grace to knowledge to bond together.

Seek to apply love and grace to knowledge to bond together. Closer to ones areas on bonding the less personalities can be accommodated. Until when it comes to being one flesh, (One body, one mind and one soul), where only one person can be attached as such, God honors the forming of a one flesh bond and blesses them as one entity, one being, a family, his chosen authority and friend in HIM.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Overcome all false relationships and false covenants in your life to be free from sexual perversions, addictions and, controlling denaturing lust, fed and amplified by demons.

 Overcome all false relationships and false covenants, by applying LOVE OF, LOVE FOR, and GRACE, to bond together as you can, till all are healed. JESUS CHRIST paid for your sins and bears the burdens of your sins, so can be reconciled to GOD and be filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT. As you live in grace, show others grace also, till all are healed and restored, and their capacity to love is developed. Appreciate grace, as it is easy to forgive others, yet always hard to forgive yourself. But if you receive GOD'S grace, that is JESUS CHRIST, you can find the ability to forgive yourself, and have the courage to show grace to another, and heal and renew good healthy bonds and relationships. To grow stronger in your capacity to love, and thus fulfill the law, with love and grace. And grow closer to GOD. Rejoice in that you can be a friend of GOD.

Renew a right covenant "As much as you need" to get deliverance and healing. 


You will always reward him/her for loving you perfectly, and encourage him/her to continue loving you perfectly, whether he/she deserves it or not, to be together forever. Make him/her feel what you feel through intercourse, as this this the physical sensations of the covenant. You both get to know you are loved and feel the love shown as you renew the tokens of your covenant as much as you need for the benefit of your relationship and to be bonded together forever.


 JESUS CHRIST blood shed for the remission of sins: And HIS body broken : - “HE was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed”. Setting the wine and unleavened bread as the tokens (the physical sensations of the love given), of the covenant. The wine is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of JESUS blood shed for payment of sins; the unleavened bread is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of HIS body broken bearing the burdens of all the consequences, punishments, criticisms, burdens, shame, curses, and loss you gained as a result of your sins.

Cast out demons, and pray for their work and strongholds, to cause to die and be overcome, in the name of JESUS CHRIST, and by the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

The nature of a man's LOVE is - To make her full of joy and make her joy full; sanctify and build; heal and restore. His stability and strength comes in handy here, to do just that in her.

The nature of woman's LOVE is - To comfort and sustain; nourish and strengthen; protect and guide. Her beauty and delightfulness can accomplish just that, by her, around him and also inside him.

Sexual intimacy is to communicate love, by kisses, hugs, stroking, and other touch. You make someone feel your love through, how you make contact with them. All touch has a particular reason for it to exist, and thus has a purpose in communicating love through touch and such other feelings.

Here the HOLY SPIRIT can lead you. HE is the SPIRIT OF THE LORD, THE SPIRIT of wisdom and understanding; council and might; knowledge and THE FEAR OF THE LORD. He is spirit and will communicate to your spirit, almost like a sixth sense. HE can imparts gifts and lead you, as you yield to HIM and feel HIM moving, in you and through you. You can discern HIS voice, and how HE is moving, and what HIS presence feel like, from the devil and his demons. You can direct the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT, as you trust GOD, and consequently GOD trusts you, as you pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST. HIS power will lead you to deliverance as you trust HIM and surrender to GOD'S will for your deliverance, and healing, and growth, and fullness of life, in HIM and JESUS CHRIST.

When you are tempted, THE HOLY SPIRIT can give you what you need to love your way in every situation you are in, therefore HE will work with you and guide you. As you trust HIM, HE will give you the opportunity to use HIM against your problems in the name of JESUS CHRIST. HE will impart gifts, which GOD will not repent of. These are - The word of wisdom; the word of knowledge; and faith. The gifts of healing ; the working of miracles; and prophecy. Discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. As well as these fruits - Love, joy, peace. Longsuffering, gentleness, goodness. Faith (faithfulness), meekness and temperance.

Peoples can't change but their capacity to love can be healed. 

Everything you find hard to accomplish, wait on the LORD and received HIS love, and then you will find the love to do what you need to do.

Have faith love can grow in the name of JESUS.

As your heart is healed, the demons that are trying to rule you heart are driven out, and will flee your new mind and capacity to love. 

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lust enslaves one to you, your healed capacity to love sets them free.

Lust enslaves one to you, your healed capacity to love sets them free to help you to love them, and to love you.

If you love them, they will appreciate your love, he/she will find it enjoyable/exciting, therefore you will always be together. If you love them, they will love you, he/she will enjoy/be excited about loving you, therefore you will always be together.


You will always reward them for being good, and encourage them to continue being good, whether they deserve it or not, to always be together.
You will always reward them for loving you perfectly, and encourage them to continue loving you perfectly, whether they deserves it or not, to always be together.


JESUS CHRIST blood shed for the remission of sins: And HIS body broken : - “HE was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed”. Setting the wine and unleavened bread as the tokens (the physical sensations of the love given), of the covenant. The wine is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of JESUS blood shed for payment of sins; the unleavened bread is the physical communication to you being the physical sensation of HIS body broken bearing the burdens of all the consequences, punishments, criticisms, burdens, shame, curses, and loss you gained as a result of your sins.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Coming out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant

Song of Solomon 3:6 Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant?

Here the bible foretold the coming of JESUS CHRIST, HIS trials as a man, and hints how, prayer, fasting, and being led by THE HOLY SPIRIT, can teach all men how to overcome temptations and resist demons and triumph over sin in HIM.

Song of Solomon 3:7 Behold his bed, which is Solomon's; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel.
Song of Solomon 3:8 They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night.
Song of Solomon 3:9 King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.
Song of Solomon 3:10 He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.
Song of Solomon 8:5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.

Good qualities of manhood, - 

Encouraging, stability and safety, exciting opportunities for success. 

Encouraging, appreciative stability of justice, of being under protective, delivering and caring for justice and restoration love. 

Encouraging shelter for growth and development, of being under kingly love and appreciation and support. 

Encouraging, restoring of strength, finding oneself, and purpose in life of being under royal love. 

And above all, Encouraging charity.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

False covenants and false relationships are addicting

 False covenants and false relationships are addicting. Be delivered by making and renewing, as mush as you need, real covenants and real relationships.

When it concerns sin, even ones you have not committed yet, JESUS CHRIST paid so you would not be afraid of failure!

When it concerns sin, even ones you have not committed yet, and ones you may not know you are doing. JESUS CHRIST paid so you would not be afraid of failure! So you can try to love without fear.

AS our ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST, HE offers HIS BODY as a sacrifice for our sins we confess, sins we do not know we are doing, sins of our family, and sins of the nation (or groups we belong and bear fault together). One eternal sacrifice concerning all sins, to be just received and appreciated. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

One applies love to knowledge to bond.

 One applies love to knowledge to bond together. Knowledge is the opportunity to receive love and form a bond with each other, and maintain a relationship with that in mind. Showing the love needed to maintain the relationship, on continuation of sharing of knowledge and information needed for love to reach.

Communication is making someone feel what you feel.

 Communication is making someone feel what you feel. One communicates love, and can communicate love through touch. Touch is a more powerful communication medium than Music, Dancing and Money.

Here one can get so close, that one is not only bonded at the level of body, but then of mind, and then at the soul/personality/spirit/emotions part of each other. And can make each other feel what each feels, via spirit to the other spirit, even when the are very much not in eye contact. They can feel each other, when they are thinking of them. Making each other feel what they feel through spirit. Using their "at the spirit level" one flesh bond.

Note: North Americans expressed a type of music that evolved around the notion of freedom to scream emotions and exhale attitude. Which is the basis of how great American music is made today, and taken for granted today. Freedom to express oneself was a difficult struggle taken upon in the hearts of Americans, and the people of France as well.

Sexual Intercourse is about communicating your covenant and renewing the token of your covenant with each other.

 Sexual Intercourse is about communicating your covenant and renewing the token (physical sensation) of your covenant with each other. You get to know you are loved, and feel the love through renewing the tokens of your covenants, as much as you need, to heal and restore your relationship, and grow closer together. Securing your bond form braking, and enjoy the love you now have and share, with rejoicing.

He will always reward her for being good, and encourage her to continue being good, whether she deserves it or not, to always be together.

    He will always reward her for loving him perfectly, and encourage her to continue loving him perfectly, whether she deserves it or not, to always be together.

    She will always reward him for being good, and encourage him to continue being good, whether he deserves it or not, to always be together.

    She will always reward him for loving her perfectly, and encourage him to continue loving her perfectly, whether he deserves it or not, to always be together.

Lust enslaves you and your partner into fulfilling desires/cravings with out any inclination of friendship

 Lust enslaves you and your partner into fulfilling desires/cravings with out any inclination of friendship. But love makes you a friend to some one and their sexuality. Where the question is, can you love someone, and can you receive love from someone?

Arousing cravings and desires come from ones illicit desires to be fulfilled with false covenants.

 Arousing cravings and desires come from ones illicit desires to be fulfilled with false covenants, and the fun or pleasurable, comforting and fulfilling, sexual expressions of them, and the false relationships that go with them. Set yourself free be clinging to real covenants, show grace to all false covenants, and renew good thoughts of what love is needed in the various situations one meets in life. The HOLY SPIRIT is your re-newer of you mind, and healer of you heart.

Demonic possession allows the enhancement of feelings concerning hate, lust and fear

 Demonic possession allows the enhancement of feelings concerning hate, lust and fear. They flee from thoughts of love of, love for, and favor/grace.

Sensitivity is responsibility.

 Sensitivity to touch is responsibility. Your are to be aware of the other's love shown to you, or anti-love they are showing.

Every intimate touch, sexual stimulation, is about communicating love to bond.

Every intimate touch, sexual stimulation, is about communicating love to bond. Know the love needed and required. And apply grace till all are healed. A healed heart does not have corrupted desires and uncontrollable cravings.