Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Did You Know?

Did you know light can bond to make Electrons and Protons and these can bond to make Neutrons? The three form Atoms. Manipulation the bonding of Electrons in atoms can make current and magnets. Manipulate the bonding Electrons in Electron shells makes colour. Bonding light to Atoms produces heat. Matter is the effect of bonding energy.
Bond energy as Standing waves to make the a solid structure, that then continue to bond until a stable arraignment is formed. Even one in dynamic equilibrium. And with further bonding make matter. After, the cells and and all life. This universe obeys the principles of loving to bond, as GOD intended.

Did You Know?

Did you know there is such a thing a transference to spirit when interacting with well used personal items of another person, even weapons and clothes? But every creature that has the capability to show emotions has a spirit, and thus is the same for here as well.

Did You Know?

Did you know some persons seem nice, but have a deep desire to love someone to feel “ Because they love how I love them, we will be together”, birthed out of deep insecurities and a crippling fear “ If I fail at loving them they wont love me”? With out the courage to seek out and interact with persons equal to them. They will seek out persons to love seemingly needier and vulnerable. Where they can control the person, and love with out risk, with someone seemingly eager to receive love.

Did You Know?

Did you know because GOD has a closer relationship, learning to love GOD makes one able to easier love ones spouse? And because one’s spouse is a closer relationship, learning to love one spouse makes one able to easier love one’s children. However mastering loving to bond with one’s spouse can give one the faith to have a better relationship with GOD, by believing HE will love you, like you and your spouse love each other, and better.

Did You Know?

Did you know loss of sexual innocence for a woman, and dealing with with the consequences in her life, she may believe the lost of some thing important ( her sexuality purity and innocence to be given to her life long partner), and also no one will want her, no one will want to love her, if they know? With this sense of loss and hopelessness, she may reflect the conviction she has sex to get money, or manipulate to get things. Which goes to show regardless of someones sexual history, they must always have hope!

Did You Know?

Did you know because sexual intercourse includes intimate access and and act done to her, situations where she feel a physical violation and betrayal of trust from her partner, will affect the pain/pleasure part of the brain? She may chose to sacrifice, endure and strengthen herself against it, and the pain is switched to challenge in her mind. She may reflect the conviction “ I can take anything you can dish out”, which may include eventually “and have fun and excitement while doing it”. Reminding us when someone learns to love their family they find courage and strength. And while one may question honor, one may be surprised where one will find courage and strength.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Did You Know?

Did you know, while in one’s younger years one’s sexual wiring forms the connections needed to be a good sink/receiver of love to bond? And in one’s teenage years the connection are made to be a good source/giver of love to bond. This brings about the joy of innocent child hood, and the joy of innocent youth.