Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The answer to a fearful heart is faith GOD loves them

Persons are so fearful, of loss, failure, that they seek total control, and all power, to alleviate their fears. Strengthen to become able to deal with the situation, and comforted to have encouragement, are the keys to overcome the “dark side” 

Bring out the best in them and lead them to success in GOD and with CHRIST grace bought with HIS BLOOD.

People can lose hope of support, and the righteous and holy life of their ambition in their mind, and wounded and fearful heart, convicted now to hate, so they rebel against GOD to get power. 

But GOD GIVES LIFE TO ALL WHO SEEK HIM AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, and GOD GIVE SUPPORT TO ALL WHO SURRENDER TO HIS WILL. HIS LOVE gives life abundantly, HIS WILL is perfect and HIS SPIRIT true, and HE supports our endeavors, and heals and grows our ability to, and the unique way one can, love someone and others. 

"Peace Be Still"
Direct the Power of THE HOLY SPIRIT to : -
Guide you to what tends to life:
Bring everything to a position of righteous, peace and joy:
Heal and restore, till you forget and prosper.

With your prayers their enemy will become broken before GOD in the presence of HIS SPIRIT and JESUS CHRIST in you, that they will be made to need your love.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

At all times Push Grace Through!

People at an early age lose faith someone will love them, carrying this depression through the years. And when sexual knowledge is learned, they often believe everything (or at least their partner) is for their pleasure, and even that's why a person will want them. But GOD is faithful, that even how, regardless of how, some one has fallen, he will send a friend in your life, and combat that depression. And with realizing, and believing in the proof of love in friendship, will deliver, the bond of false relationships, that people can love you, and will, because they love you will give you pleasure or excitement in you life, out of their desire to love you, and love of you. Push Grace Through!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Messages of addiction and false covenants

 People have banned the transmissions of subliminal messages, but fail to acknowledge that demons are attached to and continually seek to incite addictions, and cravings of false relationship, and false covenants in a person. You understand your "enemy" just before you learn to overcome and prosper.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The necessity or a covenant in you life!

 When one experiences the joy of innocent youth, here one sees the need for making ones close friendships permanent and last forever. A seed of faith for believing in covenants. Making covenants are understood and wanted. Those whom has a sense of family, may not understand or acknowledge what they feel, And those without that feeling of being a family, may not know what is missing in their life. The reassurance of the permanence of the bond in question, is not additive, but causes joy and stability and rejoicing. A necessity to enjoy and an empty hole in many persons, replaced by addictive behavior.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Did You Know?

Did you know men observe and comprehend what they see, from the perceptive of what it does – It is good, judged from the position of what it can do or accomplish? While women are different. They judge from the position of what it is - It does good because of what it is or can grow to be.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Did You Know?

Did you know a man will always be somebody’s son, and even always somebody's father? So is a woman always somebody's daughter, and even always somebody's mother. But her husband will always be a question. Is he the right person for me? Can we live well with each other? Do we have a good relationship? The answer is, is this the friend I want to have all the adventures of my life with. A man will not own your heart. But you will always have your best friends there. You will always have your friends with you celebrating your joys and accomplishments with, even of having a family. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Did You Know?

Did you know someones love is supposed to be celebrated and enabled to increase. They are not the bitter memories of their shortcomings and mistakes, but their capacity to love is the force for love you need, and needed of your capacity to love as their force for love. Forgiving them as well as oneself, is the way one can be able to see beyond one’s pain and witness the way forward, and move forward.