Evangelists use their understanding of someone or some persons religious or cultural beliefs, to introduce JESUS CHRIST to them, and HIS Salvation and deliverance in HIM.
Teachers believe if they can help some learn a new method of achieving success. They will now be better at, achieving success, and helping others achieve success, in life and in all good things.
Pastors use their principles learned in achieving success, to teach others to attain the same success with them, and all supporting each other together, to achieving success.
They are all helping and taking the burdens of the people to GOD for JESUS to bear.
Prophets teach the MIND OF CHRIST. And are separated onto HIM to enjoy that relationship where HE renews their minds during HOLY COMMUNION with HIM, in time spent in prayer, and worship, and reading HIS WORD.
Apostles teach the HEART OF CHRIST. And are separated onto HIM to enjoy that relationship where HE renews their hearts during HOLY COMMUNION with HIM, in time spent in prayer, and worship, and reading HIS WORD.
Separated unto GOD to purely be renewed and come from HIM with HIS renewing and healing of peoples capacity to love one another and themselves.