Monday, July 19, 2021

With JESUS CHRIST, there is no mistake HE can't redeem you from.

 With JESUS CHRIST, there is no mistake HE can't redeem you from, and give you another chance to have healing, and learn to love your way in every situation you encounter.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Is JESUS CHRIST a "Get out of jail free card"

 Is JESUS CHRIST a "Get out of jail free card"

In a sense YES.

And who needs a "Get out of jail free card"?

Not the Law, because it glorifies itself with the condemnation of all those who  are breakers of the law and it's rules.

Not the ones who up hold the Law, Because they are glorified by by the condemnation of these who break the Law, and the justification of themselves by the Law and it's rules put in place, regardless of the LOVE for the redemption of the person that is needed, and not given by the law and it's upholders.

And what about the ones of whom do not wish to be separated from the ones they love, and are of the mindset "They are more important to me that their mistakes, thus in spite on their mistakes, I do not want to be separated from their presence". Yes they need one! Therefore the one who needs a "Get out of jail free card" the most is GOD! So HE will not be separated from those who makes mistakes, but HE still wants to be called a friend of them. which is EVERYONE.

Yes JESUS CHRIST is GOD'S greatest "get out of jail free card" And there will be non other to look forward to.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Love is the winning move

 Hate, Lust, and fear cause, in abuses and hurting persons, more hate, lusts and fears.

GOD'S love, and the wisdom and guidance of THE HOLY SPIRIT, shows love is the winning move, and the meter by with one judges victory and overcoming, and inheriting success in HIM and HIS mercy, deliverance, and healing and restoration, in your walk with HIM in HIS presence, and under HIS NURTURING HAND.

JESUS is not about religion.

JESUS is not about religion. 

HE is the manifested love needed for anyone you encounter in life to be able to have a personal walk with FATHER GOD.

The Dead cannot make anyone holy, but creates self praising servants of their corrupt ways to glorify themselves and reinforce their own clique.

The death of JESUS CHRIST Signaled the demise of the hold, humiliation, subjection and shame of of sinners and abused persons, one would meet in life, of religion. There where they will surely fail, HE will answer their cries for mercy and deliverance, and hunger for healing and restoration, and thirst to forget and prosper, despite the plans of their enemies and the Devil, to do such that, purposefully, determinedly reconciling, anyone who cries out in prayer to HIM and receiving HIS death and suffering on the Cross, and with his strips, curses and scolding and shame etc, as theirs dying with HIM also, to be delivered up to the HOLY GOD, and enter into to a personal walk with a HOLY GOD,

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Living By Grace, and Walking By Faith

 Living By Grace, and Walking By Faith.

It will render all new situations useless at keeping you or anyone else you encounter in a state of inaction in the problems, life, and the Devil, may throw at you or them: - in GOD, HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT.


Logic Arguments cannot move beyond the application of Grace. Grace will therefore always win. GOD is knowledgeable of this and has implemented that to give us a chance to win, and be in victory in HIM.

Monday, July 5, 2021

The Five fold Ministry

 Evangelists use their understanding of someone or some persons religious or cultural beliefs, to introduce JESUS CHRIST to them, and HIS Salvation and deliverance in HIM.

Teachers believe if they can help some learn a new method of achieving success. They will now be better at, achieving success, and helping others achieve success, in life and in all good things.

Pastors use their principles learned in achieving success, to teach others to attain the same success with them, and all supporting each other together, to achieving success.

They are all helping and taking the burdens of the people to GOD for JESUS to bear.

Prophets teach the MIND OF CHRIST. And are separated onto HIM to enjoy that relationship where HE renews their minds during HOLY COMMUNION with HIM, in time spent in prayer, and worship, and reading HIS WORD.

Apostles teach the HEART OF CHRIST. And are separated onto HIM to enjoy that relationship where HE renews their hearts during HOLY COMMUNION with HIM, in time spent in prayer, and worship, and reading HIS WORD.

Separated unto GOD to purely be renewed and come from HIM with HIS renewing and healing of peoples capacity to love one another and themselves.

GOD will make raped and abused men and women HOLY!

 GOD will make raped and abused men and women HOLY! Even if everyone and their idols. and the manner of which they worship their idols. reject them from ever attaining HOLINESS like HIM. Even if they self condemn themselves, of reduced worth to their spouse, in society, and self worth.