Is JESUS CHRIST a "Get out of jail free card"
In a sense YES.
And who needs a "Get out of jail free card"?
Not the Law, because it glorifies itself with the condemnation of all those who are breakers of the law and it's rules.
Not the ones who up hold the Law, Because they are glorified by by the condemnation of these who break the Law, and the justification of themselves by the Law and it's rules put in place, regardless of the LOVE for the redemption of the person that is needed, and not given by the law and it's upholders.
And what about the ones of whom do not wish to be separated from the ones they love, and are of the mindset "They are more important to me that their mistakes, thus in spite on their mistakes, I do not want to be separated from their presence". Yes they need one! Therefore the one who needs a "Get out of jail free card" the most is GOD! So HE will not be separated from those who makes mistakes, but HE still wants to be called a friend of them. which is EVERYONE.
Yes JESUS CHRIST is GOD'S greatest "get out of jail free card" And there will be non other to look forward to.