Saturday, August 14, 2021

Few agree to take up the calling of war-fighting

Some like being solders: they like the adventure and glory of war!

A few agree to take up the calling of war-fighting: As peace is the final victory!

When the farmers win, the war has been defeated.

Peace will always have a cost: Help others acquire it and you will be blessed with what you seek. God is not a debtor of persons.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

You can enter into a place of rest, and speak from a place of excitement, and sing from a place of joy!

Love And Bonding, With Covenanting To Stabilize Your Joy, And Your Bond, And Your Relationship. Is supposed to make you enter into a place of rest, in someone you love capacity to love, and speak from a place of excitement, of exercising your capacity to love, and sing from a place of contentment and joy! 

People need to be where someone they love rest, and then they seek to have, the someone they love, again rest, but now in their capacity to be loved and love, now in them.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

It is nice to feel desired, but friendship is needed for joy!

Nakedness of body; 

Nakedness of mind;

Nakedness of soul;

Requires FRIENDSHIP. Not desires and cravings.

Even if it is nice to feel desired, and wanted and needed, Friendship is needed to be free to find joy in doing "Love to bond" and "Covenanted, therefore you will always be together". Friendship makes you free, and free to love, and bond, and treasure who you are with, and exercise the unique way you love, aware of the state that you have reached, aware of where you have reached together, and sing from that place of joy.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Your spouse can be a friend to your sexual needs

 A friend can use his stability and strength to make one full of joy and ones joy full.

And a friend can use her beauty and delightfulness to comfort and sustain you.

One can trust them and they can be a friend to this need in your life, They can be your home. One can depend on that. One can surrender as you get closer. They can treat you special. One can find rest and joy in love, and trust them to love you, as you enjoy their love. One can delight in their love and treasure it. Take joy in the love the wife/husband of your youth and be ravished in their love.

Therefore your spouse is supposed to be your friend.

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Love of someone is a feeling, an attraction, an understanding of how you can bond with that person different than another.

But Love for is a product of an established relationship, and the dependency, and expectation, and trust that goes with it.

Favor/Grace creates opportunity for persons capacity to love to heal, grow, and be reliable, and purposeful in loving others and GOD.

Covenants reassures one of the trust, and assures the love will always be there, therefore the relationship will be there through all things, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE TOGETHER AND BE A FAMILY OR IN FRIENDSHIP.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Addictions take hold where covenants are malnourished!

 The inward desires and passion, with drive for covenants, and how it feels to have the reassurance and happiness of, "that you can trust someone and be a family with them". Is how men, and to a certain extent how women, can and will have counterfeit addictions, in behavior and in the things they ingest. And crave for them hourly, till they overwhelmingly succumb to the the building up of their addictive counterfeits.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Dark and Holy sides of Sexual Communication, Love to Bond, and Covenants.

 Please view the following pages should you be willing to explore the Dark and Holy sides of Sexual Communication, Love to Bond, and Covenants.

Please share with Councilors, Relationship Guides, or Pastors, whom you may know would benefit from growth in this part of their life, and ministry.

  Click on the Link in the menu above, or right click the links below, and click "open in a new Tab' or "open in a new window"



Love to Bond 

Male and Female unique Love


Love that can heal part 1

Love that can heal part 2

Simple Examples of Love To Bond 

More on Love to Bond

Communication of Sex part 1

Communications of Sex part 2 

Admittance of your hates, and of your lusts and of your fears, starts the growth, strengthening, healing and restoration. Helping you overcome and love with righteousness, peace and joy in THE HOLY GHOST!