Monday, October 10, 2022

Relationship before Miracles

 Move towards having good relationships and onward to great outcomes with great results 


Put yourself in place to receiving GOD'S complete capacity to love

 God dose not depend on your strength in your body, or your mind, or spirit. HE yearns for you to put yourself in place where receiving GOD'S complete capacity to love you, is easy and flowing in abundance.

JESUS died in your place paying for your sins, and HE bore the burdens of your sins that day, so FATHER GOD and you will always be together

The normal state of having been loved

 Where there is no punishing - there is rest

 Where there is no enslaving - there in peace

 Where there is no terrorizing - there is uninhibited

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Do not forget to visit the pages section and leave a comment.

 Do not forget to visit the pages section and leave a comment.

Thank you.

Infinite time with infinite area

 Infinite time with infinite area leads to infinite possibilities, and when true love and bonding principles are added, leads to the assurance of finding a friend.

THE  MOST HIGH GOD created this universe to find a friend, which is man and woman. Amen

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sunday, July 24, 2022