Sunday, April 17, 2022

A persons unique way they love is part of their identity, and should be unique

 A persons unique way they love i.e. their capacity to love someone they love, is part of their IDENTITY, of who they are, what make them unique. And healing someones unique way they love, is the way to their brighter future. Respecting someones capacity to love is starting that process : helping them heal and exercise their unique way they love is completing this event and makes for a brighter future for everyone.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

GOD can Trust you when you trust HIM

 If you trust THE MOST HIGH GOD in a vulnerable area of your living experiences, and capacity to love, to help others in their living experiences, then GOD can trust you in your vulnerable living experiences. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Trust another to be a family with them - the feeling of the covenant

 To trust another to become a family overcomes many insecurities and their consequent addictive needs and enslavement, and makes one, free and hopeful in all adventures.

Some enjoy seeing the rain from indoors only, while other enjoy the full sense of rain on and all around them. The rain is not what limits them or is it. But if one is freed from fear, one can see though everything and find enjoyment is all they see.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

In JESUS CHRIST one can make mistakes!

 There is a important lesson to be understood from JESUS - That is if one realizes HE is paying for all your sins, and bearing the burdens of your sins, one can make a mistake and be delivered with a clear conscience, so you will always be together.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

THE MOST HIGH GOD set this world to work such that good things, and miracles, with emotional highs and orgasms, are achieved from the works of relationships.

There are situations where arousal and highs which cumulate in orgasms, can be attained with ejaculation of sperm on feet which symbolizes, and is the feelings of attaining success, with the pact of surrender and hand over control, to always be together. And ejaculation of sperm on face also symbolizes surrender and hand over control, to always be together. To gain assurance and happiness, and relief from the pain and stresses one sees, and wants to avoid drastically and assuredly. Bend over, vaginal intercourse from behind, also is about surrender, but to give pleasure, and surrender to be loved passionately, to always be together. Plus anal sex is about surrender and allow some one to have control, and make everything alright, to always be together. Here they, because of how they reacted to child hood events, and lack of proper parental care and responsibility, which instilled consequent fear, sought relief. Not from inner strength and healthy relationships, but instead for someone to move in and take charge, with the authority and determination and courage, to bring deliverance and success, without them contributing or sacrificing. Here they inner beliefs are about, power and control to get good things, relationships, orgasms and relief from the pain and stresses, and attain success and gratification. THE MOST HIGH GOD set this world to work, such that good things, and miracles, with emotional highs and orgasms, are achieved from the works of relationships.

Friday, September 17, 2021

THE MOST HIGH GOD love to expose scars, and open wounds, and break improperly mended parts of you

 THE MOST HIGH GOD love to expose scars, and open wounds, and break improperly mended parts of you. To start the proper holy healing time with HIM, in HIS care and appreciation of what you were meant to be in HIM, by HIS grace. By HIM and of HIS design and your consequent true abilities, and in the expression of HIS love through you, to all in your life you are sent to be able to love in your life.

False Covenants are all based on conditional and controlling love

 The False Covenants in one's life are all based on conditional and controlling love, which are based on protecting from fears and insecurities, for example: - It I love them, they will want to be with me, they love me back, therefore we will always be together. Real covenants are based on complete or unconditional love, where they love you and want to build and have good bonds and relationships, with amazing life and togetherness, with wonderful experiences and adventures with you and them.